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Patient Stories

Katie Love
From Preeclampsia to Premature Birth, New Mom’s Experience is a Roller Coaster

“As we study what goes wrong, we believe there will be clues, very early in pregnancy — subtle, but important.”

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Yolanda Murphy
‘Passion with a focus:’ After breast cancer, Yolanda Murphy builds a bridge to young survivors

“My breast cancer journey has brought me to this place, and I’m grateful. I’m grateful to be making a difference.”

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Kathy Kulka
A Career Committed to Research, and Life-Long Friendship Guide Cancer Patient’s Success

“A clinical trial changed my treatment plan. And my survival.”

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Deanne Whitley
By opting out of surgery, a courageous survivor may help redefine the cancer experience.

“She is an incredibly courageous woman who has taken a leap of faith with us that could potentially affect so many other women down the road.”

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Siobhan Huck
Diagnosed in Pregnancy, One Woman Redefines What it Means to Survive

“I get about nine months on each trial, and that's nine months I didn't have before. If I didn't do the clinical trials, I would not be here today.”

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Sherri McArdle-Krautter
Early vigilance leads to happy outcome for endometrial cancer survivor

“I’m very lucky to have a happy ending. I’m very blessed. With all of the stressors I have gone through during the cancer and recovery, you still have to take those blessings – here I am to talk about it.”

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Carolyn Kubik
A Magee-Trained Doctor Turns Patient in a Fight Against Ovarian Cancer

“It was really important to me to be strong for my staff and for them to see: I was not going to let [cancer] beat me down. I was not going to let it stop my career. I just wasn’t letting it happen.”

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Darcel Fahy
Toasting Darcel Fahy — and the Ovarian Cancer Research She Championed

“She wanted ways to help people, and if not find a cure, find a way to detect it.”

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Melva Deitt
‘The Three of Us Were It:’ A grandmother’s annual gift celebrates three generations united by Magee

“I swear, those two doctors slept at the hospital. Anytime I went in for any kind of test, one of them was always there.”

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