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Patient Stories

The Vehovic Family
The Vehovic Family - Inspiration for Pars for Postpartum Depression Golf Outing

“To date, the monies raised through the Pars for Postpartum Depression Golf outing have contributed to the creation of parent support group sessions that enable new moms and dads to openly discuss how they are affected by anxiety and depression as well as find support among peers and professionals.”

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Ashley Disantis
All Hands On Deck: Coordinated Care Across UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital Helped Ashley Disantis Deliver Twin Boys

“I’m grateful Magee was willing to work with us so we could have the family we dreamed about.”

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Tina Owens-Schmidt
Diagnosis, Planning Play Key Roles in Potentially Life-Threatening Birth

“I feel very positive about my experience. I don’t think the outcome could have been better. I needed the people who were prepared to be in that room, so their plan worked.”

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Michelle Piscitani
Artist-Turned-Patient Donates Painted Guitars to Raise Funds for Women’s Health

“Listen to your body and fight for your health, talk openly and fearlessly about all the embarrassing details so we can end the stigma.”

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Lee Giller
Rare But Real: Lee Giller Raised Hope, Awareness for Male Breast Cancer Patients

“We need to be advocating for them as much as we advocate for ourselves. We can play a very important role in men’s health.”

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Cambria King
After Learning to Care for Herself, Cambria King Launched a Career Caring for Others

“I had to learn to care for myself in a completely new way.”

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Shelby Holloway
‘Your Journey is Your Own:’ Determination, Self-Advocacy Freed Shelby Holloway From a Lifetime of Pain

“I didn’t need someone to tell me I was nice. I didn’t need someone to tell me I was fit. I was all about science: facts, data, discovery. That’s what I wanted in my doctor.”

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Siobhan Huck
“I am not done:" Diagnosed in pregnancy, one woman redefines what it means to survive.

“I get about nine months on each trial, and that's nine months I didn't have before.”

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Shalece Kimble
‘Once a preemie, always a preemie:’ Mother reflects on her son’s remarkable journey from the NICU

“One of the major goals of our research is better diagnosis, and importantly, prevention of these kinds of stories.”

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